This is an important part of Christian life. We recognise that every part of our lives, and what we have, are as a result of God’s Blessings to us. Sharing this blessing comes naturally..

Giving a proportion of our money or income is a clear expression of this. An understanding that in the end it all belongs to him. Many find as a result of giving their capacity to give goes up rather than down. At St Johns there are a number of ways you can express this.

For budgeting purposes we encourage people to use the facility offered by ANFIN to make regular direct debits to give. Details are just below on this page.

Others may wish to use the boxed weekly envelope system. These are available from the back of church. Each box contains a years supply of envelopes to place a regular contribution in. They are then brought to church each Sunday and placed on the plate. For some bringing their contribution and placing it on the open plate is important for a number of reasons, and this is possible at each service. However you decide to contribute is up to you, and of course between you and God. No record is kept of who gives what or how often. All money received goes to the mission and outreach from St Johns.

We are very happy to make available to each parishioner on the roll a statement of accounts showing where your contributions go. Not only do these contributions go toward the ongoing cost of ministry in this parish but we also commit to giving each year to a number of organisations. Included are the Bush Ministry Fund, Mission to Seafarers, Mothers Union, Anglicare, Spiritus, Anglican Aid Abroad, Church Missionary Society and The Bible Society as well as some less known ones.

Please help us to give generously.

On their behalf …Thank you.


Now your parishioners have a convenient way to show ongoing commitment to your Anglican Church community. ParishDirect allows your parishioners to make regular contributions to your Church community through a convenient and secure electronic funds transfer (EFT) system. ParishDirect makes it easier for your Church to plan for the future needs of the community.

For more information, contact Anfin or visit their website.